| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Track stacking") |
| help |
| nargs |
| type |
| int |
| default |
| action |
| args = parser.parse_args() |
str | header = " ".join([f"'{i}'" for i in sys.argv]) |
| system = loos.createSystem(args.system_file) |
list | all_trajs = [] |
| traj |
| selection = loos.selectAtoms(system, args.selection_string) |
| residues = selection.splitByResidue() |
| scores = np.zeros((len(residues), len(residues))) |
int | total_frames = 0 |
| box = loos.GCoord(1000., 1000., 1000.) |
| p = residues[i].stacking(residues[j], box, 5.0) |
| stack_values = json.load(jsfile) |
list | resnames = [] |
list | key = resnames[i] + "-" + resnames[j] |
| newval = scores[i, j] / stack_values[key] |
| outfile_name |
Track a base stacking through a trajectory. Intended for use with
nucleic acids, to identify base stacking.