LOOS 4.1.0
The Lightweight Object Oriented Structural analysis library/toolkit
No Matches
contact_distance Namespace Reference


str fullhelp
 lo = options.LoosOptions("Compute distance matrix using contacts", fullhelp)
 args = lo.parse_args()
 system = loos.createSystem(args.model)
 chain = loos.selectAtoms(system, args.selection)
 residues = chain.splitByResidue()
 num_residues = len(residues)
 traj = loos.pyloos.VirtualTrajectory(t)
int num_pairs = len(residues) * (len(residues)-1) // 2
 contacts = numpy.zeros((len(traj), num_pairs), float)
 default_box = loos.GCoord(10000., 10000., 10000.)
int frame_number = 0
 box = frame.periodicBox()
int index = 0
 r1 = residues[i]
 dists = pdist(contacts, 'euclidean')
 square_dists = squareform(dists)
 outfile = open(args.outfile, "w")
 frame_boundaries = traj.frameBoundaries()
list traj_header = [" traj start end filename"]
list s = ["0", "0", str(len(traj)-1), args.traj]
int i = len(args.traj) - 1
str header = "\n".join(str(x) for x in [lo.header(), traj_header])

Detailed Description

From a trajectory, create an all-to-all distance matrix analogous to rmsds, but
working in the space of residue-residue contacts

Variable Documentation

◆ contact

Initial value:
1= r1.logisticContact(residues[j],
2 args.radius,
3 args.sigma,
4 box)

◆ t

Initial value:
1= loos.pyloos.Trajectory(args.traj, system,
2 skip=args.skip, stride=args.stride)
Python-based wrapper for LOOS Trajectories This class turns a loos Trajectory into something more pyt...
Definition trajectories.py:55