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loos::TinkerXYZ Class Reference

Class for reading a subset of the TinkerXYZ format. More...

#include <tinkerxyz.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for loos::TinkerXYZ:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for loos::TinkerXYZ:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 TinkerXYZ (const std::string &fname)
 TinkerXYZ (std::istream &ifs)
virtual TinkerXYZclone (void) const
 Clones an object for polymorphism (see AtomicGroup::clone() for more info)
TinkerXYZ copy (void) const
 Creates a deep copy (see AtomicGroup::copy() for more info)
void read (std::istream &is)
- Public Member Functions inherited from loos::AtomicGroup
 AtomicGroup (const int n)
 Creates a new AtomicGroup with n un-initialized atoms.
 AtomicGroup (const AtomicGroup &g)
 Copy constructor (atoms and box shared)
AtomicGroup copy (void) const
 Creates a deep copy of this group.
uint length (void) const
uint size (void) const
bool empty (void) const
pAtom getAtom (const int i) const
 Get the ith atom from this group.
pAtom & operator[] (const int i)
 Same as getAtom(i)
const pAtom & operator[] (const int i) const
AtomicGroupappend (pAtom pa)
 Append the atom onto the group.
AtomicGroupappend (std::vector< pAtom > pas)
 Append a vector of atoms.
AtomicGroupappend (const AtomicGroup &grp)
 Append an entire AtomicGroup onto this one (concatenation)
AtomicGroupremove (pAtom pa)
 Delete a single atom.
AtomicGroupremove (std::vector< pAtom > pas)
 Deletes a set of atoms.
AtomicGroupremove (const AtomicGroup &grp)
 Deletes all atoms in the passed grp that are also in the current group.
AtomicGroupoperator+= (const AtomicGroup &rhs)
AtomicGroupoperator+= (const pAtom &rhs)
AtomicGroup operator+ (const AtomicGroup &rhs)
AtomicGroup operator+ (const pAtom &rhs)
bool operator== (AtomicGroup &rhs)
 Equality test for two groups.
bool operator!= (AtomicGroup &rhs)
 Inequality test for two groups.
bool operator== (const AtomicGroup &rhs) const
 Equality test for const groups.
bool operator!= (const AtomicGroup &rhs) const
 Inequality test for two groups.
AtomicGroup subset (const int offset, const int len=0)
 subset() and excise() args are patterned after perl's substr...
AtomicGroup excise (const int offset, const int len=0)
 excise returns the excised atoms as a group...
template<class EqualsOp >
bool contains (const pAtom &p, const EqualsOp &op) const
 Determines if a pAtom is contained in this group using the EqualsOp atom-equality policy.
bool contains (const pAtom &p) const
 Determines if a pAtom is contained in this group using the AtomEquals policy (ie the default comparison policy)
template<class EqualsOp >
bool contains (const AtomicGroup &g, const EqualsOp &op) const
 Determines if the passed group is a subset of the current group using the EqualsOp atom-equality policy.
bool contains (const AtomicGroup &g) const
 Determines if a group is a subset of the current group using the default AtomEquals policy.
template<class EqualsOp >
bool containsAny (const AtomicGroup &g, const EqualsOp &op) const
 Determines if a group contains any atom.
bool containsAny (const AtomicGroup &g) const
 Determines if a group contains any atom using the default AtomEquals policy.
template<class EqualsOp >
AtomicGroup intersect (const AtomicGroup &g, const EqualsOp &op)
 Computes the intersection of two groups using the EqualsOp atom-equality policy.
AtomicGroup intersect (const AtomicGroup &g)
 Intersection of two groups.
template<class EqualsOp >
AtomicGroup merge (const AtomicGroup &g, const EqualsOp &op)
 Union of two groups using the specified atom-equality policy.
AtomicGroup merge (const AtomicGroup &g)
 Union of two groups using the default AtomEquals atom-equality policy.
AtomicGroup select (const AtomSelector &sel) const
 Return a group consisting of atoms for which sel predicate returns true...
std::vector< AtomicGroupsplitByUniqueSegid (void) const
 Returns a vector of AtomicGroups split from the current group based on segid.
std::vector< AtomicGroupsplitByMolecule (void) const
 Returns a vector of AtomicGroups split based on bond connectivity.
std::vector< AtomicGroupsplitByMolecule (const std::string &selection) const
std::vector< AtomicGroupsplitByResidue (void) const
 Returns a vector of AtomicGroups, each comprising a single residue.
std::map< std::string, AtomicGroupsplitByName (void) const
 Returns a vector of AtomicGroups, each containing atoms with the same name.
AtomicGroup centrifyByMolecule () const
 Replace a group with the center of masses of contained molecules.
AtomicGroup centrifyByResidue () const
 Replace a group with the cente of masses of contained residues (see centrifyByMolecule())
pAtom findById (const int id) const
 Find a contained atom by its atomid.
AtomicGroup groupFromID (const std::vector< int > &id_list) const
 Create a new group from a vector of atomids.
AtomicGroup groupFromID (const std::pair< int, int > &id_pair) const
 Create a new group from a pair of atomids.
AtomicGroup getResidue (pAtom res)
std::string asString () const
void renumber (const int start=1, const int stride=1)
 Renumber the atomid's of the contained atoms...
int minId (void) const
int maxId (void) const
int minResid (void) const
int maxResid (void) const
int numberOfResidues (void) const
int numberOfSegids (void) const
bool allHaveProperty (const Atom::bits &property) const
 True if all atoms in the group have the passed property(ies)
bool anyHaveProperty (const Atom::bits &property) const
 True if any atom in the group have the passed property(ies)
bool hasBonds (void) const
 Does any atom in the group have bond information???
bool hasCoords (void) const
 Do all the atoms in the group have coordinates?
void clearBonds (void)
 Remove any bonding information present in contained atoms.
void pruneBonds ()
 Attempt to prune connectivity (only retain bonds to atoms within this AtomicGroup)
void resetAtomIndices ()
 Reset the atom indices (used for interfacing with trajectories)
uint deduceAtomicNumberFromMass (const double tol=0.1)
 Deduce atomic number from mass (if present), returning number of atoms assigned.
double deduceMassFromAtomicNumber ()
 Deduce mass from atomic number (if present), returning the number of atoms assigned.
bool sorted (void) const
 Is the array of atoms already sorted???
void sort (void)
 Sort based on atomid.
bool isPeriodic (void) const
 Test whether or not periodic boundary conditions are set.
GCoord periodicBox (void) const
 Fetch the periodic boundary conditions.
void periodicBox (const GCoord &c)
 Set the periodic boundary conditions.
void periodicBox (const greal x, const greal y, const greal z)
 Set the periodic boundary conditions.
const greal ocf (uint offset)
 compute OCF for all atom-pairs in AG of distance offset from one another
loos::SharedPeriodicBox sharedPeriodicBox () const
 Provide access to the underlying shared periodic box...
void removePeriodicBox ()
 Remove periodicity.
void reimage ()
void reimageByAtom ()
 Reimage atoms individually into the primary cell.
void mergeImage (pAtom &p)
 Takes a group that's split across a periodic boundary and reimages it so it's all together.
void mergeImage ()
 Takes a group that's split across a periodic boundary and reimages it so it's all together, using the first atom in the AtomicGroup as the reference.
AtomicGroup within (const double dist, AtomicGroup &grp) const
 Find atoms in the current group that are within dist angstroms of any atom in grp.
AtomicGroup within (const double dist, AtomicGroup &grp, const GCoord &box) const
 Find atoms in grp that are within dist angstroms of atoms in the current group, considering periodicity.
bool contactWith (const double dist, const AtomicGroup &grp, const uint min=1) const
 Returns true if any atom of current group is within dist angstroms of grp.
bool contactWith (const double dist, const AtomicGroup &grp, const GCoord &box, const uint min=1) const
 Returns true if any atom of current group is within dist angstroms of grp.
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > getBondsIDs () const
 return a list of atom ID pairs that correspond to all unique bonds.
std::vector< AtomicGroupgetBondsAGs () const
 return a list of atom index pairs corresponding to all unique bonds.
void findBonds (const double dist, const GCoord &box)
 Distance-based search for bonds.
void findBonds (const double dist)
void findBonds (const GCoord &box)
void findBonds ()
template<class T >
apply (T func)
 Apply a functor or a function to each atom in the group.
iterator begin (void)
iterator end (void)
const_iterator begin (void) const
const_iterator end (void) const
std::vector< GCoordboundingBox (void) const
 Bounding box for the group...
GCoord centerAtOrigin (void)
 Translates the group so that the centroid is at the origin.
GCoord centroid (void) const
 Centroid of atoms (ignores mass, operates in group coordinates)
greal radius (const bool use_atom_as_reference=false) const
 Maximum radius from centroid of all atoms (not gyration)
GCoord centerOfMass (void) const
 Center of mass of the group (in group coordinates)
GCoord centerOfElectrons (void) const
 Analogous to center of mass.
GCoord dipoleMoment (void) const
 Dipole moment, relative to group's centroid.
greal totalCharge (void) const
greal totalMass (void) const
greal radiusOfGyration (void) const
greal sphericalVariance (const pAtom) const
 Spherical variance of group with respect to target atom.
greal sphericalVariance (const GCoord) const
greal stacking (const AtomicGroup &, const GCoord &box, const double threshold) const
 Estimate stacking, as between two nucleobases.
greal rmsd (const AtomicGroup &)
 Compute the RMSD between two groups.
greal kineticEnergy ()
 Compute kinetic energy of group.
std::vector< GCoordgetTransformedCoords (const XForm &) const
 Returns a vector of coordinates transformed by the passed XForm.
std::vector< GCoorddifferenceVectors (const AtomicGroup &other)
 Compute difference vectors between two AtomicGroups.
void translate (const GCoord &v)
 Translate an atomic group by vector v.
void rotate (const GCoord &axis, const greal angle_in_degrees)
 Rotate group's coordinates (right-handed, about centroid)
void applyTransform (const XForm &)
 Apply the given transform to the group's coordinates...
void copyCoordinatesWithIndex (const std::vector< GCoord > &coords)
 Copy coordinates from a vector of GCoords using the atom index as an index into the vector.
void copyVelocitiesWithIndex (const std::vector< GCoord > &velocities)
 Copy velocities from a vector of GCoords using the atom index as an index into the vector.
void copyCoordinatesFrom (const AtomicGroup &g, const uint offset=0, const uint length=0)
 Copy coordinates from g into current group.
std::vector< uint > atomOrderMapFrom (const AtomicGroup &g)
 Map the order of atoms in AtomicGroup g into the current group.
void copyMappedCoordinatesFrom (const AtomicGroup &g, const std::vector< uint > &order)
 Given a mapping of atom order, copy the coordinates into the current group.
void copyMappedCoordinatesFrom (const AtomicGroup &g)
 Copy the coordinates from the group mapping the atom order.
void perturbCoords (const greal)
 Each atom is moved in a random direction by a vector of the passed size.
std::vector< GCoordprincipalAxes (void) const
 Compute the principal axes of a group.
double principalAxesOrder (void) const
 Computes order parameter based on principalAxes.
std::vector< GCoordmomentsOfInertia (void) const
 Computes the moments of inertia for a group.
GMatrix superposition (const AtomicGroup &)
 Calculates the transformation matrix for superposition of groups.
GMatrix alignOnto (const AtomicGroup &)
 Superimposes the current group onto the passed group.
void orientAlong (const GCoord &)
 Orient the principal axis of this group along the supplied vector.
void setCoords (double *seq, int m, int n)
void getCoords (double **outseq, int *m, int *n)
std::vector< double > coordsAsVector () const
double packingScore (const AtomicGroup &other, const GCoord &box, bool norm) const
double logisticContact (const AtomicGroup &group, double radius, int sigma, const GCoord &box) const
double logisticContact2D (const AtomicGroup &group, double radius, int sigma, const GCoord &box) const
double hardContact (const AtomicGroup &group, double radius, const GCoord &box) const
double hardContact2D (const AtomicGroup &group, double radius, const GCoord &box) const
std::vector< double > scattering (const double qmin, const double max, const uint numValues, loos::FormFactorSet &formFactors)

Static Public Member Functions

static pAtomicGroup create (const std::string &fname)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from loos::AtomicGroup
typedef std::vector< pAtom >::iterator iterator
typedef std::vector< pAtom >::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef pAtom value_type
- Static Public Attributes inherited from loos::AtomicGroup
static const double superposition_zero_singular_value = 1e-10
- Protected Member Functions inherited from loos::AtomicGroup
void setGroupConnectivity ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from loos::AtomicGroup
std::vector< pAtom > atoms
loos::SharedPeriodicBox box

Detailed Description

Class for reading a subset of the TinkerXYZ format.


The tinker ARC trajectory file format is just concatenated XYZ, so this code should be shared.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

TinkerXYZ * loos::TinkerXYZ::clone ( void ) const

Clones an object for polymorphism (see AtomicGroup::clone() for more info)

Reimplemented from loos::AtomicGroup.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: