LOOS 4.1.0
The Lightweight Object Oriented Structural analysis library/toolkit
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cloos::internal::ActionBase class for all commands..
 Cloos::OptionsFramework::AggregateOptionsCombines a set of OptionsPackages
 Cloos::AscendingSort< T >Policy class for sorting in ascending sequence
 Cloos::AtomBasic Atom class for handling atom properties
 Cloos::AtomCoordsEqualsCompares two atoms based on name, id, resid, resname, segid, and coords
 Cloos::AtomEqualsCompares two atoms based solely on name, id, resid, resname, and segid
 Cloos::AtomicGroupClass for handling groups of Atoms (pAtoms, actually)
 Cloos::AtomSelectorVirtual base-class for selecting atoms from a group
 Cloos::internal::BasicMatrixFormatter< T >
 Cloos::BoundFmtInternal helper class to bind formatting state
 Cloos::Math::ColMajorClass for storing a matrix in column-major order
 Cloos::Coord< T >Basic 3-D coordinates class
 Cloos::Coord< double >
 Cloos::Coord< int >
 Cloos::DensityTools::DensityGrid< T >A simple 3D grid class of arbitrary types
 Cloos::DensityTools::DensityGrid< double >
 Cloos::DensityTools::DensityGrid< int >
 Cloos::DensityTools::DensityGridPlane< T >Encapsulates an i,j-plane from an DensityGrid
 Cloos::DensityTools::DensityGridRow< T >Encapsulates a j-row from an DensityGrid
 Cloos::DescendingSort< T >Policy class for sorting in descending sequence
 CENM::ElasticNetworkModelInterface for all ENMs
 Cloos::FmtOutput formatter class, adapted from Stroustrup's book
 Cloos::HBondDetectorClass for detecting hydrogen bonds
 Cloos::AtomicGroup::IteratorOur own simple iterator for stepping over all managed atoms
 Cloos::KernelThe Kernel (virtual machine) for compiling and executing user-defined atom selections
 Cloos::LineReaderClass for reading line-by-line from a file while tracking line numbers and stripping comments
 Cloos::Matrix44< T >Specialized 4x4 Matrix class for handling coordinate transforms
 Cloos::MatrixReadImpl< T, P, S >
 Cloos::MatrixReadImpl< T, Math::Triangular, S >Special handling for triangular matrices
 Cloos::MatrixReadImpl< T, P, Math::SparseArray >Special handling for sparse matrices
 Cloos::MatrixWriteImpl< T, P, S, F >
 Cloos::MatrixWriteImpl< T, Math::Triangular, S, F >Write out a triangular matrix
 Cloos::MatrixWriteImpl< T, P, Math::SparseArray, F >Write out a sparse matrix
 Cloos::DensityTools::NonzeroDensity< T >Functor that is true for any non-zero density
 Cloos::OptionsFramework::OptionsPackageBase class for options
 Cloos::ParserFront-end to the Bison/Flex parser
 Cloos::PercentTriggerTrigger whenever at least frac percent more iterations have happened
 Cloos::PeriodicBoxClass for managing periodic box information
 Cloos::PreciseMatrixFormatter< T >Generic matrix element formatter allowing setting of width and precision
 Cloos::RemarksClass for handling PDB Remarks
 Cloos::RnaSuiteClass for assigning backbone suites to an RNA
 Cloos::Math::RowMajorClass for storing a matrix in row-major order..
 Cloos::ScientificMatrixFormatter< T >Generic matrix element formatter using scientific notation..
 Cloos::Math::SharedArray< T >Storage policy for a block of memory wrapped in a boost::shared_array pointer
 Cloos::SharedPeriodicBoxThis class manages a shared Periodicbox
 Cloos::SimpleCounterBasic progress counter object, defining the interface..
 Cloos::DensityTools::SimpleMetaSimple class for handling metadata
 CSimplex< T >Nelder-Meade Simplex Optimizer (based loosely on the NRC (1996) implementation)
 Cloos::Math::SparseArray< T >Storage policy for a sparse matrix (see important note in the detailed documentation)
 CENM::SpringFunctionInterface for ENM spring functions
 CENM::SuperBlockThis class creates superblocks in a hessian
 CThreader< W >
 Cloos::DensityTools::Threshold< T >Functor that is true if value is greater than or equal to threshold
 Cloos::DensityTools::ThresholdRange< T >Functor that is true if value is between low and hi, inclusive
 Cloos::TimeSeries< T >Time Series Class
 Cloos::TrajectoryBase-class for polymorphic trajectories
 Cloos::TrajectoryWriterBase class for writing trajectories
 Cloos::Math::TriangularClass for storing a symmetric triangular matrix
 Cloos::TriggerAlwaysThis is a simple "trigger" for use as a default
 Cloos::TriggerEveryTrigger every i-iterations
 Cloos::UniqueStringsClass for uniquifying strings..
 Cloos::UnitCellThis class encapsulates crystallographic unit cell data
 Cloos::unordered_pair_eq< T >Test equality of unordered pair. typename T must have == operator
 Cloos::unordered_pair_hash< T >
 Cloos::UserTimerPolicy class for tracking only user process time
 Cloos::internal::ValueValue class for the LOOS Kernel (virtual machine)
 Cloos::WallTimerPolicy class for tracking wall-time
 Cloos::DensityTools::WaterFilterBaseBase interface for water filter/picker
 Cloos::internal::XDRReaderThis class provides some facility for handling XDR data
 Cloos::DensityTools::XEDMWriter< T >Functor for writing out ASCII formatted X-Plor electron density maps
 Cloos::XFormMatrix class for handling coordinate transforms..